SHARE YOUR HEART™ is us spreading our love to the community through our different programs and initiatives such as:
Share Your Heart provides Marriage and Family Therapy, psychological and Vocational Evaluations, Pre-employment Trainings, Vocational Trainings, Youth Mentoring Program, Career Exploration, Food, Clothing, and Basic Needs to all individuals and families in distress. Miami-Dade Community ActionCenters – through these 13 centers we provide 70,000 pounds of food monthly to the community. In addition, we provide clothing, food and basic supplies to the victims of Domestic Violence/Human Trafficking and to our Veterans. Vocational Rehabilitation ProgramServices (VR) providing Job Placement, Youth Mentoring, Marriage and Family Therapy, Psychological and Vocational Evaluations for the disadvantaged and the disabled population.
Department of Children and Families(DCF) investigation waiting hubs providing the first 72 hours of food, clothing, supplies for basic needs, spiritual and emotional support for the children and their families through a referral system. In addition, services are also provided to the elderly community in distress through a referral by Department of Children and Families Elderly Services. Services are provided through our Volunteer Chaplaincy Program. Department of Children and Family (DCF) Access Centers – Provides training to the Faith-Based Community to become a access provider for food stamps, cash advance and Medicaid.
A referral system with a Memorandum of Understanding with Miami-Dade School Police/ Miami-Dade County Public Schools, provides us the opportunity to help families by providing food, clothing, uniforms, basic supplies, emotional and spiritual support.
Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) – Providing the first 72 hours of food, clothing and supplies for basic needs, spiritual and emotional support through a referral system. Services are provided through our Volunteer Chaplaincy Program.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Elderly Link referral system – helping elderly that are being neglected, abandoned or abused by providing food, clothing and essential basic needs.
USDA Summer Feeding Program – providing healthy meals to children and educating in healthy meal choices.
The 4 Real Program -a dynamic live presentation against violence, drugs, bullying and gangs. We reach the youth with real issues using real life stories in our schools.
Emergency and Disaster Response Trainings, Mass Communication, Food Distribution Preparedness Initiative and CERT Trainings – preparing and equipping the faith-based communities and community organizations to respond in a time of emergency disaster through our Volunteer Chaplaincy Program.
Share Your Heart Donation Boxes
State, Local and Governmental Resource Help Center.
If You Want to Lead You Must Read Awareness providing literacy.
Free “Victory Day” events for our community.